Content Association for Children was founded in 2017 by academics, content editors, psychologists and educators to examine and evaluate content whose target audience is children and to inform parents about it.

Content Association for Children examines and evaluates children's books, films, games and digital channels and applications followed by children within the framework of the content evaluation system developed based on scientific data. This system, which aims to evaluate content produced for children with the philosophy of "Right Content for the Right Age", has been approved by the Academic Advisory Board of the Content for Children Association. Content evaluations are made by expert psychologists, educators and editors within the association.

With the evaluations made by the Children's Content Association;

1. It determines which content is suitable for which age group.

2. It determines the themes of the content, the gains it can offer to children and the sensitive elements it contains, and informs families about this.

3. It offers suggestions so that children can benefit from the content that interests them.

4. It guides parents in choosing age-appropriate and qualified content.

With the activities of the Children's Content Association, we do not aim to direct children to a completely sterile world of content; It aims to guide parents in choosing quality and appropriate content for their children. Therefore, it does not offer any content recommendations. It makes an objective evaluation and leaves the final decision to the parents.

Content for children; It is examined and presented on the website and mobile application, categorized according to appropriate age groups, to guide parents. Through the search engine on the website and mobile application, parents and educators can access content classified according to the age group of their child or student with a click.

In addition to content reviews, it also shares guiding articles and educational and entertaining videos written by experts on different topics.

Before New Content Be Informed!

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